Цены переводчиков в Багдаде

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Переводчик в Багдаде - Ali
€315.0/8 часов
• Successful, achievement-oriented Interpreter/Translator with over 20 years of progressive positions requiring knowledge and execution of a variety of administrative principles. • Excited by new challenges and seeking a position where exceptional organizational skills can be put to good use.
Переводчик в Багдаде - Mohammad
€300.0/8 часов
Discount arrow -20 %
My name is Mohammad N. A. ,I am 51 years old born and live in kirkuk -iraq ,Graduated from geology department in Erbil at 1989. 2004 -2011 interpreter withj CF in many FOBs . 2011-2018 maior of neighbourhood. 2016- 2017 interpreter with CF to train Kurdish security forces. Married, Have one boy -three girls
Еще 1 Переводчик в городе Багдад, соответствующий Вашему запросу, но доступный в другом ценовом диапазоне
Переводчик в Багдаде - Mohammed
€375.0/8 часов
Discount arrow -23 %
For 17 months, I served as CAT 1 Linguist with Worldwide Language Resources Ltd. My major role was Interpretation to and from Australian Defense Force teams through the training missions of Iraqi army from June 2015 to November 2016.