Prezzo del servizio interpreti a Wiesbaden

Servizi interpreti a Wiesbaden:

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7 dei 36 interpreti a Wiesbaden sono accessibili per un ordine

Costo per 8 hours (dalle 10:00 alle 18:00 - di maggio 28), sconto compreso. Cambi la data, ora?
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Interprete a Wiesbaden - Anna
€320/8 ore
10 years'+ international experience. Conference Interpreter (М.A.). German, Russian, English, Ukrainian. Consecutive, simultaneous, liaison interpretation. Medical interpretation. Interpreting at trade shows, exhibitions, technical seminars, trainings, business events etc.
Interprete a Wiesbaden - Veronika
€280/8 ore
Discount arrow -19 %
Я имею не только высокую квалификацию, но и опыт работы или образование, соответствующие сфере вашей деятельности: технической, экономической, медицинской, а также обладаю опытом публичных выступлений. Я говорю на немецком, английском и русском языках в любой комбинации
Interprete a Wiesbaden - Samir
€280/8 ore
Discount arrow -13 %
An experienced interpreter in technical and economic fields, a long-time resident of Germany with a rich experience in interpreting (over 15 years). Language pairs: Russian-German-Russian, Russian-English-Russian (through one-year stay in the US) and English-German-English.
Interprete a Wiesbaden - Roman
€160/8 ore
Discount arrow -20 %
Sono un traduttore professionista e guida. Dalla mia laurea nel 1998 ho lavorato come guida e traduttore dal tedesco al russo, dall'inglese al russo, dal tedesco all'ucraino, dall'inglese all'ucraino. La mia principale area di traduzione sono i documenti tecnici e legali.
Interprete a Wiesbaden - Anhelina
€200/8 ore
Discount arrow -17 %
Interpreter in Frankfurt am main, Germany with over 7 years of experience at negotiations, exhibitions, conferences. Interpreter from Russian into English, from Russian into German, from English into German.
Interprete a Wiesbaden - Runa
€528/8 ore
More than 20 years of experience as an interpreter for international organizations, public institutions and private companies, a sworn translator in Frankfurt am Main, a teacher in the field of training of translators. Provide all types of interpretation and translation. Main areas of work: finance, economics, law
Interprete a Wiesbaden - Marina
€320/8 ore
Discount arrow -11 %
I speak three languages, including my mother tongue, and work as translator and interpreter for around 3 years now.