Prezzo del servizio interpreti a Washington

Servizi interpreti a Washington:

Need Francese-Inglese professional translation?

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3 dei 70 interpreti a Washington sono accessibili per un ordine

Costo per 8 hours (dalle 10:00 alle 18:00 - di giugno 3), sconto compreso. Cambi la data, ora?
Prenoti ora, paghi dopo. Annullamento gratuito della richiesta! Senza supplementi.
Interprete a Washington - Eida
€503.0/8 ore
I specialize in traveling with groups of diplomats invited to the United States. Their programs are a variety of topics that deal with current events. I participated in art projects for about 13 years.
Interprete a Washington - Laziz Nchare
Laziz Nchare
€623.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -11 %
Translation and Interpretation Services: Oral and written Interpretation Services, Editing and Proofreading Scientific documents in French and English. Languages: Shupamem (native speaker), English (excellent), French (excellent), German (good, a bit rusty), Arabic (good, a bit rusty)
Interprete a Washington - Ahlem
€480/8 ore
Conference interpreter/Professional Translator for around ten years (Booth, consecutive, whispering, sight translation...). I interpret for NGOs, CSOs, public and private bodies and tackle many fields (e.g. pricing strategies, flood management, governance, decentralisation, legal ..) (Interprète à Tunis)