Prezzo del servizio interpreti a Tbilisi

Servizi interpreti a Tbilisi:

Need Inglese-Georgiano professional translation?

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12 dei 28 interpreti a Tbilisi sono accessibili per un ordine

Costo per 8 hours (dalle 10:00 alle 18:00 - di maggio 27), sconto compreso. Cambi la data, ora?
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Interprete a Tbilisi - Nana
€150.0/8 ore
15 years’ experience in international organizations of Georgia, Europe, USA, with online international translation agencies.
Interprete a Tbilisi - Salome
€150/8 ore
Discount arrow -6 %
I'm a self explorer and adventure lover. My main experience and interest lies in art, travel, psychology and philosophy, basically everything that studies and explores human nature and mind. I especially love and have worked for many visual art projects like film and photography ones. I also love working with freelance journalists.
Interprete a Tbilisi - Nino
€280/8 ore
Discount arrow -13 %
I am a certified English-Georgian interpreter and translator with 9-year experience in consecutive, simultaneous and written translation. I can provide a high-quality interpretation at any time.
Interprete a Tbilisi - Natia
€120/8 ore
Discount arrow -70 %
My profession is Tourism Management I've worked as a tour guide for 3 years.
Interprete a Tbilisi - Natia
€125.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -17 %
Hello.I am an interpreter in Georgia for tourists who need translation from English to Georgian language.
Interprete a Tbilisi - Malkhaz (Makho)
Malkhaz (Makho)
€150.0/8 ore
I'm quite experienced guide who can help you visit and get to know closely every region in Georgia. I can guide you even in extreme sport, hiking and etc. tours.
Interprete a Tbilisi - Tamara
€113.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -25 %
I hastened to submit the enclosed resume for your review. As a skilled professional with more than 7 years of experience in providing highly accurate translating services, I feel confident of my ability to exceed your expectations for this role.
Interprete a Tbilisi - Jaba
€188.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -29 %
More than 10 years of experience as consecutive interpreter in Tbilisi (Georgia). Languages: English, Georgian, Russian
Interprete a Tbilisi - Ushangi
€75.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -33 %
Freelance interpreter and translator in Tbilisi with more than 4 years of experience. I offer consecutive and simultaneous interpreting, as well as whispered interpreting at employee training courses, conferences, seminars and negotiations.
Interprete a Tbilisi - Zaza
€263.0/8 ore
Interpreter in Tbilisi. Languages: English - C1/C2, German - b1
Interprete a Tbilisi - Shota
€80/8 ore
Discount arrow -33 %
i have learned English in school after that i went to US English training school for a year. when i finished training i went to us military schools fore a year . i went through ranger school, infantry training school, and airborne school, when i came back to my country i was working for 2 year with Americans as a inter-prate.
Interprete a Tbilisi - Mariam
€120/8 ore
My name is Mari Bendeliani and i am a fashion designer, fashion artist and textile designer who recently graduated from the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts. I have participated in number of creative workshops and masterclasses both in Georgia and countries abroad like in Singapore. I have shown a collection and participated in exhibitions.