Prezzo del servizio interpreti a Tangeri

Servizi interpreti a Tangeri:

Need Arabo-Francese professional translation?

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6 dei 13 interpreti a Tangeri sono accessibili per un ordine

Costo per 8 hours (dalle 10:00 alle 18:00 - di luglio 15), sconto compreso. Cambi la data, ora?
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Interprete a Tangeri - Ait Yacob
Ait Yacob
€225.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -19 %
I am very interested in the Freelance Translation and interpretation . With more than ten years of both written and spoken translation and a degree in English and a Master in Marketing and International trade I believe that I would be perfect for the role of Freelance and short-term mission of Translation .
Interprete a Tangeri - Noreddine
€240/8 ore
I am a native Arabic speaker based in Casablanca, Morocco and a professional full-time translator and interpreter with 25+ years’ work experience. I am a perfect trilingual who is at ease translating from and into Arabic, English and French.
Interprete a Tangeri - Noichi
€152/8 ore
For over twenty years, I work in the tourism sector with international agencies organizing tours to Morocco. I speak and write fluent French; language in which I exercised the same type of mission
Interprete a Tangeri - Hamid
€200/8 ore
Discount arrow -38 %
Proficient translator/interpreter ((Arabic↔English↔French↔Arabic)←Spanish) with first hand experience of more than 30 years with Government. I have also been in charge of public affairs and participated actively in the organization of major events and official visits. I have also worked as assistant/interpreter for high public officials.
Interprete a Tangeri - Nabil
€938.0/8 ore
Con oltre 26 anni di esperienza, il nostro ufficio internazionale è lieto di offrire servizi di interpretariato in tutte le lingue.
Interprete a Tangeri - Yousra
€240/8 ore
I am a graduate from king fahd Higher school of translation , living in Rabat city Morocco. I am a native Arabic speaker and I am a professional triligual who is at ease translating from and into Arabic , English and French.