Prezzo del servizio interpreti a Taiyuan

Servizi interpreti a Taiyuan:

Need Chinese-Inglese professional translation?

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4 dei 8 interpreti a Taiyuan sono accessibili per un ordine

Costo per 8 hours (dalle 10:00 alle 18:00 - di maggio 21), sconto compreso. Cambi la data, ora?
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Interprete a Taiyuan - William
€145.0/8 ore
I'm a freelancer Interpreter and translator with more than 3 years’ working experience in Qatar, Dubai, Indoneisa and East Timor. My working experience covers following fields: ● Olympic Games ● Electricity Running ● Civil Work ● Steel Structures ● Business Negotiations ● Market ReSearch ● Medical Insurance ● Protective Relaying
Interprete a Taiyuan - Dedi
€188.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -17 %
I am Dedi, a freelance translator ( English, Mandarin, and Indonesian) and located in Surabaya, Indonesia, and my services are not limited to translate documents only but also phone interpreter, interpreter at a seminar or conference, and tour guide services. My current clients are sworn translator company in Surabaya and in Jakarta.
Interprete a Taiyuan - Zhu Lin
Zhu Lin
€94.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -38 %
Freelance interpreter in Qingdao - China, working with English - Chinese - Chinese languages in various fields
Interprete a Taiyuan - Mike
€104.0/8 ore
Currently, I work as an interpreter in an American biopharmaceutical consulting company.  My responsibilities include: GMP Audit Interpretation, covered a dozen of capital cities across China; Seminar Preparation; Aseptic process training; Document translation. Before that, I used to be a foreign trade specialist after graduation.