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Servizi interpreti a Siviglia:

Need Inglese-Spagnolo professional translation?

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16 dei 48 interpreti a Siviglia sono accessibili per un ordine

Costo per 8 hours (dalle 10:00 alle 18:00 - di maggio 23), sconto compreso. Cambi la data, ora?
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Interprete a Siviglia - Maryana
€440/8 ore
Discount arrow -8 %
Freelance Translator and Interpreter (Spanish, English, Russian, Ukrainian and German). Interpreting Services during conferences, business meetings, specialized courses for companies and private clients.
Interprete a Siviglia - Maria
€464/8 ore
Discount arrow -3 %
Over 9 years of experience as a freelance bilateral and conference interpreter in a variety of settings: cultural events, agriculture, business meetings, medical and psychological assistance, legal consultations and community services.
Interprete a Siviglia - Ana
€400/8 ore
Discount arrow -9 %
Looking for someone to help you out during your stay in Seville? Whether you're travelling for tourism or business, I can help you communicate and fulfil your goals! Shopping, business meetings, walk tours, police/hospital support, you name it ;-) Serious and professional.
Interprete a Siviglia - Daria
€204/8 ore
Discount arrow -15 %
Interpretation services (Spanish-English-Russian) at all types of events: conferences, forums, exhibitions, workshops, master classes, business negotiations. More than 10 years of experience. Various topics. Consecutive and simultaneous interpretation. The main location is Bilbao and also any city in Spain or Europe upon request.
Interprete a Siviglia - Natalia
€160/8 ore
Discount arrow -56 %
Interpreter in Porto, Portugal with over 5 years of experience at negotiations, exhibitions, conferences. Interpreter from English to Spanish, Russian to Spanish, English to Spanish.
Interprete a Siviglia - Eileen
€571/8 ore
Discount arrow -11 %
As an American citizen settled on the Costa del Sol for over 20 years I can assist you in a trial, in a real estate transaction, translate your negotiations in a business meeting. I can handle your paperwork with public agencies in the country. I can mediate in the rental of a vacation property or register an SL.
Interprete a Siviglia - Sonia
€320/8 ore
Hello! I am Sonia, a professional interpreter and translator. I have an European Master in Public Services Interpreting. I also have experience as a freelance interpreter working for companies and institutions such as OFILINGUA, Alide Interpreters, University of Alcalá de Henares or the British Consulate in Murcia . ​
Interprete a Siviglia - Marta
€424/8 ore
Professional interpreter / translator with over 10 years experience, based in Madrid. Studies in Philology, Business and Diplomatic Protocole. Recommendations from clients: Santander Bank, Mars, Mondelez, Iturri, public administration and European Organizations (Joint Research Institute)
Interprete a Siviglia - Ahmet
€160/8 ore
Discount arrow -50 %
I have been living in Madrid for more than 4 years and I study Business Administration and Management degree at an university in Madrid with a scholarship. Besides my school, I provide translation and customer consultancy services between Spanish-English-German and Turkish languages at trade fairs, events and conferences in Spain.
Interprete a Siviglia - Abdelkarim
€439/8 ore
Discount arrow -4 %
I am a native speaker of Spanish, Arabic, and Berber (Tarifit Dialect, common in Northern Morocco). My nationality is Moroccan, but I have been "raised" in a Spanish institute (Instituto Español Lope de Vega, Nador, Morocco), which allowed me to live in a multilingual environment since my childhood (ES-AR-FR-BER).
Interprete a Siviglia - Emily
€296/8 ore
Discount arrow -8 %
Being bilingual in English and Italian from birth I offer translations, consecutive interpreting and simultaneous interpreting from English into Italian, and from Italian and Spanish to English, as well as proofreading and transcribing English.
Interprete a Siviglia - Pasquale
€496/8 ore
A highly motivated, reliable and service-minded linguist with extensive experience in Marketing, IT, Legal, Business-Finance and European Union projects. A full-time translator, proof-reader since 2008. A full-professionl conference interpreter since 2010.
Interprete a Siviglia - Murad
€600/8 ore
Discount arrow -25 %
Many duties of medical and dental articles translations from English, Spanish to Italian and Arabic in both ways. More than 10 years in trade and business dealing medical gemological and industrial items. More than 10 years translating many medical pharmaceutical and trade documents and articles between languages than I speak fluently.
Interprete a Siviglia - Dr. Esther
Dr. Esther
€584/8 ore
EN,FR<>ES Freelance Conference Interpreter (Simult., consec., whispered, liaison)
Interprete a Siviglia - Natalia
€280/8 ore
Certificate as Superior Technician in Tourist Information and Assistance, official guide card and approved guide of wineries in the Marco de Jerez. Extensive experience working as a tour guide, as well as in customer service. Skills and experience in teaching a foreign language. Languages: Spanish, Russian, German, English
Interprete a Siviglia - Louisa
€240/8 ore
Almost 20 years experience as a professional interpreter and translator. I perform all kinds of interpreting (over the phone, video remote and face to face in Madrid and Toledo, Spain)
Ancora 1 interprete a Siviglia, che corrisponde alla Sua richiesta, ma sono accessibili in un altro tempo
Interprete a Siviglia - Arseniy
€240/8 ore
Discount arrow -4 %
I´m an interpreter between ru/en/spa/cat languages. I studied languages and translation in Russia, the US and Spain. I have worked in translation since 2003. My employers include Nuance Communications, The Leading Hotels of the World, The Silver Rain Radio, Moscow Grand Theatre, The University of Barcelona, The Malaga Russian Museum, etc.