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Servizi interpreti a Atene:

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9 dei 71 interpreti a Atene sono accessibili per un ordine

Costo per 8 hours (dalle 10:00 alle 18:00 - di giugno 14), sconto compreso. Cambi la data, ora?
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Interprete a Atene - Liudmila
€180/8 ore
Several years of work experience as a interpreter in Russian and Greek companies, mostly technical translation and keeping business correspondence. 3 years in American company specializing in pool chemicals. Great experience in export sales, business development, participation in professional exhibitions.
Interprete a Atene - Polina
€200/8 ore
Discount arrow -29 %
Active member of non-profit organizations for international and Russian women leaving in Athens
Interprete a Atene - Anna-Maeve Aphroditi
Anna-Maeve Aphroditi
€306/8 ore
Freelance interpreter and translator working in Greece. Greek, English and Spanish in all directions, also French C. Specialized in fields relating to social movements and human rights. Trilingual by the circumstances of birth and upbringing. Interpretation services for business or private visits
Interprete a Atene - Andriana Violetta
Andriana Violetta
€272/8 ore
Discount arrow -8 %
Five years' work experience in two specific fields: Commerce and Construction and European and International Affairs. Nevertheless, I have participated in various conferences concerning Global Economy, Environmental issues/ Ecology and European Policies.
Interprete a Atene - Анна
€360/8 ore
Discount arrow -10 %
Дипломированный филолог с 20-летним опытом со спец. в устном (послед.) и письм. переводе, многолетнее проживание в язык. среде. Переводы социального, культурного, академического, мед. характера и др. Богатый опыт в переводах лит. текстов, а также документации эконом., банк., мед., юр., религиозного, техн. характера, аудиты на фармзаводах
Interprete a Atene - Ellina
€200/8 ore
Interpreter in Athens, Greece more than 9 years interpretation from English into Russian, from English into Greek.
Interprete a Atene - Irene
€240/8 ore
Sono un'interprete e traduttrice in coppia linguistica Russo-Italiano con sede a Athens, lavoro professionalmente dal 1996per un’ampia base di clienti, tra cui agenzie d'interpretariato e clienti privati, sia italiani che russi.
Interprete a Atene - Михаил
€200/8 ore
Traducteur-interprète professionnel en Grèce. 20 ans d'expérience. Toute terminologie en français, grec et russe, ainsi que la terminologie de base en anglais. Профессиональный переводчик в Греции. Опыт 20 лет. Любая терминология на Русском, Французском и Греческом, а также простая терминология на Английском.
Interprete a Atene - Tatyana
€160/8 ore
Certified interpreter/translator + tour guide with over 10 years of work experience in Ukraine and abroad offering services of liaison and simultaneous translation in Odessa and all over Ukraine for individuals and groups, business support, tourist support, etc. Flexible, professional, culturally competent. Available for travel.