Prezzo del servizio interpreti a New York

Servizi interpreti a New York:

Need Tedesco-Inglese professional translation?

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7 dei 163 interpreti a New York sono accessibili per un ordine

Costo per 8 hours (dalle 10:00 alle 18:00 - di giugno 25), sconto compreso. Cambi la data, ora?
Prenoti ora, paghi dopo. Annullamento gratuito della richiesta! Senza supplementi.
Interprete a New York - Anastasia
€826.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -8 %
Traduttrice ed interprete professionale, piu di 20 anni di esperienza. Alta qualità, affidabilita e puntualita.
Interprete a New York - Laziz Nchare
Laziz Nchare
€390.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -37 %
Translation and Interpretation Services: Oral and written Interpretation Services, Editing and Proofreading Scientific documents in French and English. Languages: Shupamem (native speaker), English (excellent), French (excellent), German (good, a bit rusty), Arabic (good, a bit rusty)
Interprete a New York - Marylou
€503.0/8 ore
Conference Interpreter and Translator in New York City Area. My active languages are English, Dutch and German. My passive languages are French and Spanish. My areas of specialization are medical and legal assignments.
Interprete a New York - Yaroslava
€720/8 ore
I am a professional interpreter, experienced in remote and in-person interpretation during negotiations, interviews, conferences, film production etc., both simultaneous and consecutive. I will be happy to make your event a success with reliable and professional translation.
Interprete a New York - Rimma
€296/8 ore
24 years of interpreting experience, all language pairs mentioned, ATA certification
Interprete a New York - Ksenia
€720/8 ore
Discount arrow -5 %
My main objective is to deliver excellent results in a timely manner.
Interprete a New York - Miguel
€200/8 ore
Based in Munich and Dusseldorf, professional translator, proofreader, consecutive and telephone interpreter in English, German and Spanish. Scrum Project Manager in all languages for all necessary translation and interpreting services. Development and testing of language assistants.
Ancora 1 interprete a New York, che corrisponde alla Sua richiesta, ma sono accessibili in un altro tempo
Interprete a New York - Nadia
€160/8 ore
I will be happy to help you in translation and interpretation in English, German, Russian and Ukrainian.