Prezzo del servizio interpreti a Biarritz

Servizi interpreti a Biarritz:

Need Russo-Francese professional translation?

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6 dei 7 interpreti a Biarritz sono accessibili per un ordine

Costo per 8 hours (dalle 10:00 alle 18:00 - di luglio 19), sconto compreso. Cambi la data, ora?
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Interprete a Biarritz - Svetlana
€480/8 ore
Interprète/traducteur à Kiev expérimentée avec connaissance et prononciation parfaite des langues suivantes: ucraino, russo, italiano, inglese, spagnolo
Interprete a Biarritz - Kateryna
€640/8 ore
Discount arrow -6 %
Experienced conference interpreter in France. I provide simultaneous and consecutive interpretation at conferences, seminars, marketing events, meetings, festivals, during negotiations, for visiting delegations and during safety commissions. I am based in Marseille, France, but I can easily travel all over Europe and other countries.
Interprete a Biarritz - Kateryna
€520/8 ore
My more than 15 years working experience and partnerships with international leading companies allow me to provide the high range of services of interpreting in marketing,m and commerce. Interpreting for business meetings and negotiations, technical work shoots, conferences and trainings. Business tours organisation.
Interprete a Biarritz - Marina
€550/8 ore
Discount arrow -14 %
Qualified French-English-Russian interpreter based in Paris.
Interprete a Biarritz - Elena
€480/8 ore
Discount arrow -31 %
Interpreter and translator in Toulouse, France for French (English) <> Russian. Consecutive und simultaneous / conference interpreting. My native language is Russian and I have an excellent knowledge of French and English. I have gained solid experience in translating.
Interprete a Biarritz - Alessia
€416/8 ore
I’ve been working as an independent professional tour guide and interpreter since 2008. I graduated from the Foreign Languages and Civilizations University, the Wine and wine tourism school and The Wine business school. Passionate about history, I'm so happy to live in Bordeaux - the city of great cultural and gastronomic diversity.