Prezzo del servizio interpreti a Phatthaya

Servizi interpreti a Phatthaya:

Need Inglese-Tailandese professional translation?

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Costo per 8 hours (dalle 10:00 alle 18:00 - di luglio 8), sconto compreso. Cambi la data, ora?
Prenoti ora, paghi dopo. Annullamento gratuito della richiesta! Senza supplementi.
Interprete a Phatthaya - John
€270.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -10 %
Freelance translator in Thailand, working with Russian-Thai-English translations and interpretations in: metallurgy, computer technology, medicine, wood processing, patents, transportation, logistics, etc.
Interprete a Phatthaya - Mr Camille
Mr Camille
€307.0/8 ore
Société Franco-Thai Translations & Services francophones Pattaya,Traductions certifiées ambassade France Suisse Belgique,Interprète professionnel Pattaya,Assistance visa Pattaya,Visa Schengen Thaïlande,Préparation dossier mariage Thaïlande,Aide divorce Pattaya,Déclaration de naissance Thaïlande,Services avocat civil et pénal Pattaya
Interprete a Phatthaya - Noi
€94.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -17 %
Interpreter/translator (remote and onsite) in Bangkok, Thailand for over 10 years of experience at negotiations, business assistant, I also provide additional services : search for suppliers, coordinator, making appointment, arrange vehicle and telephone call: 10 USD per hr (interpreter) or 10 USD per A4 page (Translation)
Interprete a Phatthaya - Eva Maria
Eva Maria
€204.0/8 ore
I'm a Thai and English native speaker and i have a certified proficiency in Russian. I’ve worked as a professional consecutive and simultaneous interpreter in many areas, including business, entertainment, government, hospitality, law enforcement, and social services.
Interprete a Phatthaya - Mikhail
€375.0/8 ore
Good day. My name is Mike (nickname - Aromday). I am 30 years old. I came to Southeast Asia from Russia and have lived here for more than 6 years. I mostly live in Thailand, Bangkok city, but I often visit other neighboring countries as a translator and representative. I know professionally Thai, Lao, Burmese and Khmer languages.
Interprete a Phatthaya - Mr Simon
Mr Simon
€233.0/8 ore
I have extensive knowledge of Business in Thailand and especially Import / Export / Manufacturing and Engineering / Project management. I have worked with a number of international customers that required assistance in locating local companies and interpretation to a high level of Technical ability. Smart Professional Service.