Prezzo del servizio interpreti a Varsavia

Servizi interpreti a Varsavia:

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4 dei 122 interpreti a Varsavia sono accessibili per un ordine

Costo per 8 hours (dalle 10:00 alle 18:00 - di giugno 3), sconto compreso. Cambi la data, ora?
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Interprete a Varsavia - Caroline
€440/8 ore
A proficient business/private meeting interpreter of Polish-French / French-Polish, with over 14 years of experience; great diplomatic and communication skills, accuracy, confidentiality and reliability guaranteed.
Interprete a Varsavia - Hicham
€375.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -9 %
I am an interpreter and translator of French/Arabic<>English. I have worked for a variety of organizations since 1997 in Amman/Jordan and abroad.
Interprete a Varsavia - Dr. Hammouda Salhi
Dr. Hammouda Salhi
€480/8 ore
Hammouda Salhi, PhD is a Senior Interpreter (Arabic-English-French)-- You deserve better wor(l)ds-- Extensive experience (20 years) as Chief Interpreter, Professor & Author. - Interpreted for high-profile world leaders, e.g. former and current UN Secretaries General Moon and Guterres, Russian President Putin and President Gauck.
Interprete a Varsavia - Ahlem
€480/8 ore
Conference interpreter/Professional Translator for around ten years (Booth, consecutive, whispering, sight translation...). I interpret for NGOs, CSOs, public and private bodies and tackle many fields (e.g. pricing strategies, flood management, governance, decentralisation, legal ..) (Interprète à Tunis)
Ancora 1 interprete a Varsavia, che corrisponde alla Sua richiesta, ma sono accessibili in un altro margine di prezzo
Interprete a Varsavia - Tazara
€617.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -6 %
My working languages are French/English mother tongue and Spanish as a passive. As an Interpreter / Translator & Proofreader, and Intercultural Specialist (very knowledgeable of French-speaking Africa), I enjoy putting my expertise and experience to the service of people in international environments.