Prezzo del servizio interpreti a Salvador

Servizi interpreti a Salvador:

Need Inglese-Portoghese professional translation?

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Costo per 8 hours (dalle 10:00 alle 18:00 - di luglio 8), sconto compreso. Cambi la data, ora?
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Interprete a Salvador - Lea
€188.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -19 %
English - Portuguese - German self-employed interpreter in Salvador (Brazil)
Interprete a Salvador - Mauro
€263.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -13 %
A senior professional who lived almost 11 years abroad, acquiring a multicultural experience in countries such as USA, France, England, Italy, Guatemala. Retired after 35 years working in marketing and foreign trade at companies in Brazil and abroad. Currently working as interpreter at Salvador Cruise Ship Terminal
Interprete a Salvador - Davide
€182.0/8 ore
Interpreter and translator in Salvador - Brazil, eager to work, self-motivated, flexible and highly skilled as far as languages are concerned: speaks five 5 languages, is aware of cultural differences while interpretaing and the way that can affect the task.
Interprete a Salvador - Paulo
€751.0/8 ore
17 Years living and working in the UK, near native British English, native Brazilian Portuguese. Fluent Spanish. Excellent language knowledge. More than 25 years teaching English. Excellent spoken English, Portuguese and Spanish. Ability to learn difficult words fast and produce professional interpretation.
Interprete a Salvador - Nathalia
€488.0/8 ore
Traduttrice ed interprete di conferenza in Brasile con lingue portoghese, inglese ed italiano Ho diversi anni di esperienza nell'interpretazione di conferenze, simposi, riunioni, corsi di formazione e missioni internazionali in una vasta gamma di settori. Sono pronta per essere il ponte tra le culture di cui hai bisogno.
Interprete a Salvador - Priscilla
€147.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -33 %
I lived in England for ten years where I've graduated in psychology and worked as an interpreter for the English government. I was an interpreter between social workers and Portuguese/Brazilian families with learning disabilities.