Prezzo del servizio interpreti a Saint-Tropez

Servizi interpreti a Saint-Tropez:

Need Russo-Inglese professional translation?

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Costo per 8 hours (dalle 10:00 alle 18:00 - di maggio 20), sconto compreso. Cambi la data, ora?
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Interprete a Saint-Tropez - Svetlana
€480/8 ore
Interprète/traducteur à Kiev expérimentée avec connaissance et prononciation parfaite des langues suivantes: ucraino, russo, italiano, inglese, spagnolo
Interprete a Saint-Tropez - Eleonora
€400/8 ore
Discount arrow -17 %
English and French interpreter in Cannes with additional legal education (international law). 2 years of work as the interpreter and personal assistant. Since 2010 – self employed interpreter, since 2013 I live in France.
Interprete a Saint-Tropez - Vladislav
€480/8 ore
Expert in simultaneous and consecutive interpretation for your high-level and business meetings in various European countries. Graduated from the Institute of translators and interpreters, Brussels (Master). Perfect mastery of Russian, French and English.