Prezzo del servizio interpreti a Riyad

Servizi interpreti a Riyad:

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3 dei 44 interpreti a Riyad sono accessibili per un ordine

Costo per 8 hours (dalle 10:00 alle 18:00 - di giugno 10), sconto compreso. Cambi la data, ora?
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Interprete a Riyad - Alaa H. A.
Alaa H. A.
€601.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -33 %
Having more than 25 years of work in language services (translation, interpretation, editing, copywriting, content writing, and project management) management consultancy and research work, computer literate, dynamic, always willing to learn, likes reading, swimming, and cooking
Interprete a Riyad - Mourad
€320/8 ore
Discount arrow -24 %
10 years experience in diferent fields ; Business meetings, new products exhibitions, working with governmental entities and with organizations dealing with imigrants (red cross, Oim, OFPRE...).
Interprete a Riyad - Dr. Hammouda Salhi
Dr. Hammouda Salhi
€480/8 ore
Hammouda Salhi, PhD is a Senior Interpreter (Arabic-English-French)-- You deserve better wor(l)ds-- Extensive experience (20 years) as Chief Interpreter, Professor & Author. - Interpreted for high-profile world leaders, e.g. former and current UN Secretaries General Moon and Guterres, Russian President Putin and President Gauck.