Prezzo del servizio interpreti a Oporto

Servizi interpreti a Oporto:

Need Spagnolo-Portoghese professional translation?

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7 dei 43 interpreti a Oporto sono accessibili per un ordine

Costo per 8 hours (dalle 10:00 alle 18:00 - di giugno 3), sconto compreso. Cambi la data, ora?
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Interprete a Oporto - Ines
€480/8 ore
Full-time freelance translator, Simultaneous/Consecutive/Whispered Interpretation Business; Insurance; Court; Lawsuits; Finance; Social Audits, Education, Trade; Environment; Water; Civil Marriage, Weddings; Contracts; Purchase and Sale Agreements; Public Deeds; Residence Permits; Application for Portuguese Nationality.
Interprete a Oporto - Manfred
€400/8 ore
Discount arrow -23 %
I am an +20 years experienced Translator/Interpreter/Language teacher in Lisbon. I am trilingual: German, English and Portuguese, this meaning that I was raised and educated with all 3 languages, also having had the chance to live, study and later work all across Europe.
Interprete a Oporto - Paula
€400/8 ore
I am professional private interpreter and translator in Lisbon and in the nearest cities, working with French, Portuguese, English and Spanish languages.
Interprete a Oporto - Joao Carlos
Joao Carlos
€120/8 ore
Discount arrow -63 %
Solid and balanced experience in business development and Market Research, commercial leadership and international marketing.
Interprete a Oporto - Helder
€683.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -19 %
Experienced Multilingual Escort Interpreter, Private Tour Guide and Salesperson in Basel Area, Switzerland. I have more than sixteen years working as a Travel Escort Interpreter, Private Tour Guide, Hospitality and Customers Services.
Interprete a Oporto - Kidi
€416/8 ore
Discount arrow -47 %
I am a Spanish interpreter with more than 6 years experience interpreting in all kinds of events. My language combination is PT<>ES, bilingual, EN/IT > ES. I am available to travel anywhere.
Interprete a Oporto - Miguel
€400/8 ore
Discount arrow -75 %
10 years of experience as a Portuguese Interpreter (Portugal/Brazil) for clients such as the Barcelona Municipality and Barcelona Football Club, covering Business, Social, Political, Cultural and Technical subjects in Conferences, Press events, Team Meetings, etc. Interpretation service from POR into English/Spanish/Catalan - vice versa.