Prezzo del servizio interpreti a New York

Servizi interpreti a New York:

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5 dei 163 interpreti a New York sono accessibili per un ordine

Costo per 8 hours (dalle 10:00 alle 18:00 - di giugno 17), sconto compreso. Cambi la data, ora?
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Interprete a New York - Alexandra
€638.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -15 %
Highly qualified and experienced English < > Spanish conference interpreter, both consecutive and simultaneous. MSc in Interpreting as well as various certifications. All subject areas welcome, but particular interest in medicine, agriculture, music, and government. Based between Charlotte, NC and Washington, DC and available for travel.
Interprete a New York - María Alejandra
María Alejandra
€751.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -44 %
20 years' work experience in large international companies in the USA, Argentina, Chile, Perú, Colombia, the Netherlands, Canada, etc. I provide high quality simultaneous and consecutive interpretation in various fields such as medicine, business, law, education and politics. Full availability to travel where needed.
Interprete a New York - Sandra Alarcón
Sandra Alarcón
€751.0/8 ore
I have a B.A in Modern Languages of the Andes University in Bogota-Colombia and a masters degree in specialized translation of Paris VII University in Paris-France. I worked for 15 years as a language university teacher (English and French), and I started working as a simultaneous translator in Paris in 2008 and in 2016 as a full time one
Interprete a New York - Marialaura
€920/8 ore
Sono un'interprete di conferenza specializzata in interpretazione simultanea e consecutiva. Nel corso degli anni, ho lavorato durante congressi e conferenze stampa con personaggi pubblici, attori, politici, presentatori e direttori artistici di spicco.
Interprete a New York - Demis
€1126.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -17 %
Having 10 years expertise in translation and interpreting on travel, business and fitness topics.
Ancora 2 interpreti a New York, che corrispondono alla Sua richiesta, ma sono accessibili in un altro margine di prezzo
Interprete a New York - Murad
€600/8 ore
Discount arrow -25 %
Many duties of medical and dental articles translations from English, Spanish to Italian and Arabic in both ways. More than 10 years in trade and business dealing medical gemological and industrial items. More than 10 years translating many medical pharmaceutical and trade documents and articles between languages than I speak fluently.
Interprete a New York - Allison
€488.0/8 ore
I’m Allison, a Spanish-English interpreter in the New York City area, with seven years of experience. I offer consecutive interpreting. I have experience interpreting for immigration law, personal injury law, in the medical field, tourism, and more. I’m friendly, hard-working, and professional. I look forward to working with you!