Prezzo del servizio interpreti a Montpellier

Servizi interpreti a Montpellier:

Need Inglese-Francese professional translation?

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9 dei 24 interpreti a Montpellier sono accessibili per un ordine

Costo per 8 hours (dalle 10:00 alle 18:00 - di maggio 27), sconto compreso. Cambi la data, ora?
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Interprete a Montpellier - Kateryna
€640/8 ore
Discount arrow -6 %
Experienced conference interpreter in France. I provide simultaneous and consecutive interpretation at conferences, seminars, marketing events, meetings, festivals, during negotiations, for visiting delegations and during safety commissions. I am based in Marseille, France, but I can easily travel all over Europe and other countries.
Interprete a Montpellier - Vladislav
€480/8 ore
Expert in simultaneous and consecutive interpretation for your high-level and business meetings in various European countries. Graduated from the Institute of translators and interpreters, Brussels (Master). Perfect mastery of Russian, French and English.
Interprete a Montpellier - Marina
€550/8 ore
Discount arrow -14 %
Qualified French-English-Russian interpreter based in Paris.
Interprete a Montpellier - Cristina
€480/8 ore
Discount arrow -8 %
Interprete di grande esperienza con conoscenza e pronuncia perfetta delle lingue seguenti: italiano, francese e inglese.
Interprete a Montpellier - Ilaria
€250/8 ore
Discount arrow -55 %
Master in Interpretazione di Conferenza e Traduzione presso l'ISIT di Parigi e la Sorbona. Laurea in Mediazione Linguistica presso la SSLMIT di Forlì. Le mie lingue di lavoro? Francese, inglese e spagnolo. 915 giornate di interpretariato in fiere, congressi, convegni e formazioni aziendali. Disponibile in Europa, UK, USA, EAU.
Interprete a Montpellier - Daniel
€698.0/8 ore
I have over 10 years of relevant translation/interpretation experience in many domains. I provide the best possible quality from/into either French or English for several ISO companies I regularly work with.
Interprete a Montpellier - Irina
€304/8 ore
Discount arrow -10 %
Interpreter in Marseille, France with over 10 years of experience at negotiations, exhibitions, conferences. Interpreter from French to English, English to Russian, from Russian into French.
Interprete a Montpellier - Dr. Hammouda Salhi
Dr. Hammouda Salhi
€480/8 ore
Hammouda Salhi, PhD is a Senior Interpreter (Arabic-English-French)-- You deserve better wor(l)ds-- Extensive experience (20 years) as Chief Interpreter, Professor & Author. - Interpreted for high-profile world leaders, e.g. former and current UN Secretaries General Moon and Guterres, Russian President Putin and President Gauck.
Interprete a Montpellier - Sophie
€624/8 ore
Native English experienced and professional EN <>FR Conference interpreter with a legal background based in France. Willing to travel. Experience in business, finance, including site visits to warehouses, steel works, factories, etc.