Prezzo del servizio interpreti a Miami Beach

Servizi interpreti a Miami Beach:

Need Inglese-Spagnolo professional translation?

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8 dei 21 interpreti a Miami Beach sono accessibili per un ordine

Costo per 8 hours (dalle 10:00 alle 18:00 - di maggio 24), sconto compreso. Cambi la data, ora?
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Interprete a Miami Beach - Maria
€38.0/8 ore
Knowledge English: High in Writting English: High in Oral French: Medium in Writting French: Medium in Oral
Interprete a Miami Beach - Ilaria
€350/8 ore
Discount arrow -45 %
Master in Interpretazione di Conferenza e Traduzione presso l'ISIT di Parigi e la Sorbona. Laurea in Mediazione Linguistica presso la SSLMIT di Forlì. Le mie lingue di lavoro? Francese, inglese e spagnolo. 915 giornate di interpretariato in fiere, congressi, convegni e formazioni aziendali. Disponibile in Europa, UK, USA, EAU.
Interprete a Miami Beach - Sandra Alarcón
Sandra Alarcón
€751.0/8 ore
I have a B.A in Modern Languages of the Andes University in Bogota-Colombia and a masters degree in specialized translation of Paris VII University in Paris-France. I worked for 15 years as a language university teacher (English and French), and I started working as a simultaneous translator in Paris in 2008 and in 2016 as a full time one
Interprete a Miami Beach - Miguel
€200/8 ore
Based in Munich and Dusseldorf, professional translator, proofreader, consecutive and telephone interpreter in English, German and Spanish. Scrum Project Manager in all languages for all necessary translation and interpreting services. Development and testing of language assistants.
Interprete a Miami Beach - Edwing
€751.0/8 ore
English - Spanish freelance interpreter in Maracaibo - Venezuela
Interprete a Miami Beach - Jacqueline
€225.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -25 %
Consecutive Interpreter & Translator In English/Spanish Pair Currently living in Mexico City and originally from the San Francisco Bay Area. My specializations are in the Health Care, Tourism and Travel Industries. I have experience and knowledge in Education, Yoga, Art and Entertainment and all other related subjects in these fields.
Interprete a Miami Beach - Ivan
€135.0/8 ore
Language interpreter in all areas of that requires the skills. I have been an active interpreter for the past eight (8) years after being an English teacher.
Interprete a Miami Beach - Matthew
€8.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -97 %
I have worked as an interpreter for 5 years for English/Spanish in the medical and legal fields. I am very knowledgeable with medical and legal terminology in both languages. I know very well how to provide quality customer service and how to be patient. I have an Associate's degree in Marketing