Prezzo del servizio interpreti a Macao

Servizi interpreti a Macao:

Need Inglese-Chinese professional translation?

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3 dei 22 interpreti a Macao sono accessibili per un ordine

Costo per 8 hours (dalle 10:00 alle 18:00 - di maggio 24), sconto compreso. Cambi la data, ora?
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Interprete a Macao - Lani
€488.0/8 ore
Simultaneous Interpreter between English and Chinese (Mandarin & Cantonese) with a solid business background. Cross-cultural communicator and world traveler, fluent in spoken Chinese, English, French and Japanese, proficient in written Chinese and English, experienced in handling technical, contractual and promotional contents.
Interprete a Macao - Tatiana
€86.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -18 %
Russian-english-chinese interpreter/translator in Guangzhou, China. Accompanying at the exhibitions, factories, interpretation at the negotiations on various subjects
Interprete a Macao - Andrew
€901.0/8 ore
Andrew Lai, a certified interpreter/translator based in Taipei, with a BSc in Plant Pathology, a postgraduate diploma in Conference Interpreting and Translating, an MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience.