Prezzo del servizio interpreti a Kuala Lumpur

Servizi interpreti a Kuala Lumpur:

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4 dei 33 interpreti a Kuala Lumpur sono accessibili per un ordine

Costo per 8 hours (dalle 10:00 alle 18:00 - di luglio 5), sconto compreso. Cambi la data, ora?
Prenoti ora, paghi dopo. Annullamento gratuito della richiesta! Senza supplementi.
Interprete a Kuala Lumpur - Irina
€496.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -18 %
Experienced in legal, medical, educational, business fields with rich vocabulary and excellent terminology and diplomatic skills. I can arrange a city tour of SOCHI RUS; help you with a property search directly from the owners NO RE agencies and high commissions, provide a personal driver for individuals and large groups ; 8 hours / day
Interprete a Kuala Lumpur - Tatiana
€526.0/8 ore
I've been working in Singapore since 2015. Do consecutive and simultaneous interpretation in neighboring countries like Malaysia, Indonesia , Thailand and further ones like Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea. .
Interprete a Kuala Lumpur - Rasil
€601.0/8 ore
I’m equally comfortable to interpret into Russian and English as I have near native fluency in modern English (I received BBA and MBA from the institution with English as medium of instruction). Having spent considerable time in a very diverse South East Asian region I can easily understand different accents and dialects of English.
Interprete a Kuala Lumpur - Tatiana
€563.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -17 %
More than 12 years of experience as consecutive and simultaneous interpreter in Bangkok. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, the personal assistant (assistant).