Prezzo del servizio interpreti a Girona

Servizi interpreti a Girona:

Need Inglese-Spagnolo professional translation?

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8 dei 25 interpreti a Girona sono accessibili per un ordine

Costo per 8 hours (dalle 10:00 alle 18:00 - di giugno 3), sconto compreso. Cambi la data, ora?
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Interprete a Girona - Youssef
€248/8 ore
Discount arrow -18 %
Feelance interpreter, working with English-Spanish-Arabic interpretation and translation in the city of Girona (Spain) and in the nearest cities
Interprete a Girona - Liliia
€480/8 ore
Discount arrow -20 %
12 years of experience as consecutive and simultaneous interpreter in Barcelona (Spanish/English/Russian: all language pairs)
Interprete a Girona - Ksenia
€272/8 ore
Discount arrow -15 %
I am a Spanish, English, Catalan – Russian interpreter with extensive experience living in Barcelona for more than 10 years. I provide interpreting services (Spanish/Catalan/English- Russian). Among some of my clients are pharmaceutical laboratories, big and medium companies of different areas, real estate agencies, city administration.
Interprete a Girona - Viacheslav
€360/8 ore
I am a professional interpreter offering a translation service in English and Spanish languages in Barcelona and Catalonia. I am specializing on the translations in the sphere of aircraft, insurance, production and technologies, tourism.
Interprete a Girona - Dominique
€296/8 ore
Discount arrow -8 %
I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Spanish, Portuguese and Catalan. I work as a translator and interpreter in Barcelona in the outskirts. I have a bilingual level of Spanish and Portuguese. My Catalan is intermediate. I have done technical translating for the company MEI and carried out translations for the government.
Interprete a Girona - Arseniy
€240/8 ore
Discount arrow -4 %
I´m an interpreter between ru/en/spa/cat languages. I studied languages and translation in Russia, the US and Spain. I have worked in translation since 2003. My employers include Nuance Communications, The Leading Hotels of the World, The Silver Rain Radio, Moscow Grand Theatre, The University of Barcelona, The Malaga Russian Museum, etc.
Interprete a Girona - Kapitlina
€280/8 ore
A native Russian interpreter with linguistic background and professional experience of 10+ years at conferences, presentations, fairs, doctor appointments, private and business negotiations in Barcelona and surroundings.
Interprete a Girona - Dorota
€240/8 ore
Discount arrow -14 %
I am an experience and qualified Interpreter and Translator. My main working languages are English, Spanish and Polish but I have also very high command of French and German. Apart from my linguistic and legal background I also possess first-hand experience in business and international affairs.