Prezzo del servizio interpreti a Brno

Servizi interpreti a Brno:

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6 dei 25 interpreti a Brno sono accessibili per un ordine

Costo per 8 hours (dalle 10:00 alle 18:00 - di maggio 20), sconto compreso. Cambi la data, ora?
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Interprete a Brno - Anna Marie
Anna Marie
€280/8 ore
More than 26 years of experience as consecutive and simultaneous interpreter in Brno. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, the personal assistant (assistant).
Interprete a Brno - Helena
€237.0/8 ore
Discount arrow -25 %
Long-term experience of private practice of interpretation in Czechoslovakia, Russia, Switzerland in the field of telecommunications, ecology, economy, the right. Also the interpretation at factories. Mainly I am engaged in interpretation in Prague and Brno, it is less translation.
Interprete a Brno - Barbora
€332.0/8 ore
Interpreter between English and Czech based in Prague, happy to travel wherever you need me! I will help you during your business meeting, or at conferences, festivals, summits etc. I do simultaneous, consecutive and phone interpreting. I have extense experience in many areas, mainly international affairs, trade, politics and diplomacy.
Interprete a Brno - David
€348.0/8 ore
Conference interpreter since 2002. Based in Prague but covering all the EU and Africa, I mainly work for the private conference sector, the automotive industry, banks and insurances, rail sector, medical studies, and I also interpret motivational trainings, seminars, webinars, press conferences, for the police or at fairs.
Interprete a Brno - Eva
€480/8 ore
Czech conference interpreter (EN <> CS, FR <> CS) & translator (EN/FR > CS). I provide simultaneous as well as consecutive interpreting to make your events, seminars and business meetings a success.
Interprete a Brno - Zuzana
€320/8 ore
Discount arrow -11 %
Reliable, flexible and easy going person. Having 5 years background in finance, 3 years of studies and work in the USA and recent 3 years working full time in Asia gives me strong confidence while dealing with different cultures, nationalities,languages and manners. Feel free to reach me out with any related questions. Zuzana