Prezzo del servizio interpreti a Alicante

Servizi interpreti a Alicante:

Need Inglese-Spagnolo professional translation?

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14 dei 40 interpreti a Alicante sono accessibili per un ordine

Costo per 8 hours (dalle 10:00 alle 18:00 - di giugno 7), sconto compreso. Cambi la data, ora?
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Interprete a Alicante - Kristina
€200/8 ore
Discount arrow -17 %
I am in touch with you to offer my services as a translator from/to English, Spanish, French, Hungarian and Romanian. My name is Kristina Farkas, I live in Alicante (Spain) and I have previous experience in the Interpretation / Translation sector to carry out various subjects of great importance.
Interprete a Alicante - Mark
€240/8 ore
More than 5 years of experience as consecutive and simultaneous interpreter in Alicante
Interprete a Alicante - Edy
€280/8 ore
Discount arrow -13 %
Sono interprete di accompagnamento. vorresti acquistare o vendere un immobile? Hai bisogno di un assistente personale per fare riunioni importanti o semplicemente rivolgiti a un'azienda idraulica, imbianchini, giardinieri.... ma non parli spagnolo? Non esitate a contattarmi! possiamo capirci in inglese, tedesco, italiano, ungherese.
Interprete a Alicante - Carlos
€280/8 ore
Discount arrow -13 %
Highly qualified translator and interpreter from English/Turkish to Spanish and vice versa with more than four years of work experience. She is dedicated to consecutive interpreting in business negotiations, visits to factories, conferences, fairs. In the same way I provide interpretation and translation services to individuals.
Interprete a Alicante - Sofia
€240/8 ore
Discount arrow -14 %
Sono un'interprete madrelingua russa. Lavoro a Roma e nelle città contigue. Ho esperienza nella traduzione nel campo dell'ingegneria, della medicina,del turismo ecc. Lavoro con le combinazioni linguistiche: italiano-russo, italiano-inglese, russo-inglese.
Interprete a Alicante - Mourad
€200/8 ore
Discount arrow -44 %
10 years experience in diferent fields ; Business meetings, new products exhibitions, working with governmental entities and with organizations dealing with imigrants (red cross, Oim, OFPRE...).
Interprete a Alicante - Marina
€480/8 ore
Discount arrow -29 %
I am a conference interpreter (ES<>EN-CAT/FR>ES) and translator. I have experience in all interpreting modalities, especially consecutive and simultaneous. For both modes, I provide remote and on-site services.
Interprete a Alicante - Arseniy
€240/8 ore
Discount arrow -4 %
I´m an interpreter between ru/en/spa/cat languages. I studied languages and translation in Russia, the US and Spain. I have worked in translation since 2003. My employers include Nuance Communications, The Leading Hotels of the World, The Silver Rain Radio, Moscow Grand Theatre, The University of Barcelona, The Malaga Russian Museum, etc.
Interprete a Alicante - Ioana
€440/8 ore
Professional freelance interpreter and translator in Barcelona since 2008. I provide all types of interpretation and translation services in different knowledge areas. Specific experience in legal, trade, corporate and industrial areas.
Interprete a Alicante - Sonia
€320/8 ore
Hello! I am Sonia, a professional interpreter and translator. I have an European Master in Public Services Interpreting. I also have experience as a freelance interpreter working for companies and institutions such as OFILINGUA, Alide Interpreters, University of Alcalá de Henares or the British Consulate in Murcia . ​
Interprete a Alicante - Andrea
€1144/8 ore
Discount arrow -13 %
I am a full-time freelance translator and conference interpreter. My language combinations include English/Spanish/Catalan into French, English/French/Catalan into Spanish and English/Spanish/French into Catalan. I am based in Barcelona but I am available for assignments worlwide.
Interprete a Alicante - Gual
€937.0/8 ore
English<>Spanish and French/Catalan>Spanish conference interpreter awarded with the European Masters in Conference Interpreting. Based in Castellon but working all over the world. Specialized in legal conferences, NGOs and general assemblies, I have worked mainly in Geneva for international organizations and private sector.
Interprete a Alicante - Abdelkarim
€600/8 ore
Discount arrow -40 %
I am a native speaker of Spanish, Arabic, and Berber (Tarifit Dialect, common in Northern Morocco). My nationality is Moroccan, but I have been "raised" in a Spanish institute (Instituto Español Lope de Vega, Nador, Morocco), which allowed me to live in a multilingual environment since my childhood (ES-AR-FR-BER).
Interprete a Alicante - Dorota
€240/8 ore
Discount arrow -14 %
I am an experience and qualified Interpreter and Translator. My main working languages are English, Spanish and Polish but I have also very high command of French and German. Apart from my linguistic and legal background I also possess first-hand experience in business and international affairs.