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Rumanía, Bucarest
El período seleccionado: desde 10:00 hasta 18:00 - de julio 8
Intérprete en Bucarest - Corina

Intérprete profesional en Bucarest

Educación (2) Su perfil está confirmado Contactos están verificados
Envie al intérprete una solicitud o reserva la fecha y la hora, utilizando el botón "Encargar", que está enfrente de los servicios abajo.
Escribir al intérprete
I am currently doing my Master in Interpreting and looking to further develop my acquired skills. My experience in the field comprises consecutive, as well as bilateral interpreting in varied communication contexts and between all 4 of my working languages.
During my Bachelor studying Applied Foreign Languages in French and German, I had the opportunity to participate in classes and exercises meant to allow us to practise our communication skills. I have interpreted speeches on a wide range of topics from French and German into Romanian. I have also completed a semester abroad in Germany through an Erasmus scholarship. This has allowed me to practise interpreting between my 2 main foreign languages, from French into German and vice-versa. What is more, during my practical stage in my third year, I was offered the chance to interpret for a German delegation during an entire week in a Romanian factory. The topics discussed during that time dealt with the field of electronics. Later on, after obtaining my first job, I had the pleasure of interpreting consecutively for several local political personalities during the inauguration ceremony of the company I was working for. The working languages were Romanian and English. Furthermore, while being employed by said company, I interpreted consecutively for German engineers and technicians on site on multiple occasions during technical training sessions for Romanian employees. I have also facilitated the communication between our company located in Romania and the affiliated German and French companies. Last but not least, I am currently studying conference interpreting in Romanian, German and French at the University of Vienna and am regularly taking part in interpreting exercises and simulations. Living in Austria has also allowed me to further my intercultural skills.
La especialización de la interpretación:
Comercio (en general) | Economía | Educación, Aprendizaje y Pedagogía | Ingeniería mecanica | Medicina: (en general) | Construción de automóviles
Idiomas de la interpretación:
rumano - inglés | inglés - rumano | rumano - francés | francés - rumano | rumano - alemán | alemán - rumano
Los servicios disponibles para el encargo de de julio 8 (10:00 - 18:00): ¿Cambiar la hora? El precio*
por 8 horas
Interpretación de un seminario o conferencia 800.0 EUR Encargar
Professional translation GET QUOTE
*El precio del encargo por el tiempo seleccionado, con los descuentos

Como reservar a un intérprete en Bucarest:

- Pulsar "Encargar", que está enfrente del servicio seleccionado
- Realizar su encargo con tarjeta crédito, o recibir una factura del pago por transferencia bancaria. También Usted puede elegir a pagar en efectivo al intérprete.
- Recibir una confirmación del encargo y los datos del intérprete para ponerse en contacto

Porqué el interpreters.travel:

Los precios de los intérpretes sin sobretasas de las agencias

El pago en línea o en efectivo al intérprete

Cancelación gratuita, garantías de reembolso de los pagos

Hacer encargo sin registrarse

Posibilidad de hacer encargo para la empresa

Seguridad de los pagos en línea, protección de los datos

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