Precio de los intérpretes en Carrara

Serviocios de los intérpretes en Carrara:

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4 de 10 intérpretes en Carrara estan disponibles para el encargo

El precio por 8 hours (desde 10:00 hasta 18:00 - de mayo 20), con los descuentos. ¿Cambiar la hora?
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Intérprete en Carrara - Chiara
€640/8 horas
Discount arrow -14 %
Las lenguas representan el hilo conductor de mi historia personal y académica. Recientemente licenciada en Interpretación de Conferencias, soy una joven muy motivada, de mente abierta, curiosa e interesada en diferentes culturas e idiomas. Ya he tenido la oportunidad de trabajar como intérprete en varias ocasiones.
Intérprete en Carrara - Ileana
€650/8 horas
Discount arrow -32 %
I have been a professional translator and interpreter since 2006. My mission is to guarantee attention to detail and on-time delivery for each job assigned to me. Why choose me? I can help you: 1) boost your sales 2) reach your target market 3) handle your commercial relationships with the right approach
Intérprete en Carrara - Marina
€312/8 horas
Discount arrow -22 %
I have worked in the past two years at the airport as a Russian airline representative, so I had to use my language skills in daily basis. I also had other interpreter experiences through years, which you can read in my CV.
Intérprete en Carrara - Alice
€600/8 horas
Discount arrow -25 %
I attended several schools in different cities and countries: -SSML Carlo Bo of Florence - Bachelor's Degree in Linguistic Mediation -ISTI of Brussels - Bachelor's Degree in Interpretation and Translation -UCC of Cork - Erasmus for 4 months -UNINT of Rome - Master's Degree in Interpreting and Translation