






ペルー共和国, リマ
選択された期間: 5月20日、10:00-18:00
リマにいる通訳者 - Victor


教育 (5) プロファイルが保証されました 連絡先が保証されました
返事頻繁さ:: 56% 返事時間:: 一時間以内
Many years I lived as a telecommunication hermit. Telecommuting became my life and a style of living. Living in the hot desert with a jungle like cement city is rough!, but if you can manage to live, work, and create a substantial income doing something you love, well the city becomes a lot prettier all the sudden.
Dealing with interpreting has become a part of Life to me, remember starting up working for someones account when I was younger. Keep in mind that to just do that I had to show that was trust worthy because regardless of who worked the account that person had to impersonate and keep private all the information of not only the account holder but also of the operators account who they were working. Having to use someone else's account to make a living in English was my first experience, I didn't mind it was still 100 times better than any Peruvian job and all their free holidays and time paid off. When there was down time from that job on the weekends or the afternoons, there was a list already created during my other work hours, a list of tourism companies. They normally look for good English speakers fluent and natural sounding with a drivers license if possible. But always are hiring. So have checked more than a few options of good income here meaning above 1500 USD which is, believe it or not really hard to accomplish here. Even though I had to work someone's account and let them make 15% of me while they did nothing but sit back and spend that money. I gained so much experience, and that persons account by luck happen to be a medical interpreting account over the phone. Not only did I end up jumping right into a high level interpreting but did it with little experience. Not everyone that can speak Spanish and English can interpret, lucky I was one of the ones that could and liked it. Information was giving to me to interpret and at the same time that information was absorbed and engraved in my brain. Aside from being able to learn all the new vocabularies and glossaries, also learnt all the protocols and proper industry behaviors or manners that should be followed. Worked that account for someone else for a while until finally, thought I had enough experience to try and apply on my own.
コンピュータ・インターネット(一般) | 金融 | 医学(一般)
英語 - スペイン語 | スペイン語 - 英語
5月20日(10:00から18:00まで)予約可能なサービス 日時を変更しますか? 8時間当たりの値段* 予約
電話通訳 188.0 EUR 予約する
商談・交渉通訳 375.0 EUR 予約する
インタビュー通訳 375.0 EUR 予約する
病院診察の通訳 375.0 EUR 予約する
展示会の通訳 450.0 EUR 予約する
裁判での通訳 450.0 EUR 予約する
個人同行 541.0 EUR 予約する
Professional translation GET QUOTE








