Interpreters prices in Suigen

Interpreters services in Suigen:

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1 from 2 interpreters in Suigen is available for order

Price for 8 hours (from 10:00 to 18:00 - August 19), discounts are included Change date, time?
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Interpreter in Suigen - Tatiana
€225.0/8 hours
Discount arrow -14 %
I'm a trilingual (Russian-English-Korean) specialist residing in Korea (from the year 2009) with over 15 years of experience in interpreting in the field of construction, EPC, petrochemical, oil & gas, chemical, nano-tech, high-tech, cosmetology, medical, legal & food industry. 2 Master's Degrees; TOPIK 6; TOEIC 945; IELTS 8.5, PMP*