Interpreters prices in Certaldo

Interpreters services in Certaldo:

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3 more Interpreters in Certaldo corresponding to your request, but available in other price range
Interpreter in Certaldo - Veronika
€250/8 hours
Discount arrow -22 %
Long time experience of private practice of interpretation in Italy. I provide all types of interpretation and translation, including the corporate negotiations. I have a considerable experience of interpretation in areas of exhibitions in various categories and the international commercial relations.
Interpreter in Certaldo - Natalia
€180/8 hours
Discount arrow -55 %
Simultaneous and consecutive business interpreter and legal and sworn translator with a BA in linguistics, providing services in Italy and throughout wider-Europe. Experienced in the technical, commercial, financial, medical, scientific, sales and fashion sectors.
Interpreter in Certaldo - Svetlana
€240/8 hours
Discount arrow -50 %
Mi chiamo Svetlana. Sono traduttrice Free lancer. Abito in Italia da 7 anni. Maggiormente a Firenze. La lingua italiana come fosse mia madre lingua. Parlo senza accento. Anche parlo fluente in Inglese. Lavoro in tutta l`italia. Ho l`ispirienza