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Czech Republic, Hradec Králové
Chosen period: from 10:00 to 18:00 - July 16
Interpreter in Hradec Králové - Яна

Professional interpreter in Hradec Králové

(2) Education (1) Verified contacts
Response rate: 100% Average response time: Within a few hours
Send a preliminary request to the interpreter or book now the chosen date and time by means of the "Order now" button opposite to services below.
Contact Interpreter
Могу работать как в России , так и в Чехии. Русский язык: Активный, русский язык словом (C1 - C2) практически без акцента, письмом - самостоятельное владение (возможно свободное). Чешский язык: Активный - родной
Организация деловых поездок и бизнес туров в Россию, для чешских и российских фирм - сопровождение фирм. Переводческие услуги; Ведение переговоров ; Организация межд. спец. выставок, презентаций и семинаров; Туристические услуги и переводческие услуги, забота о VIP клиентов.
Interpretation specialization:
Advertizing and PR | Architecture, interior design | Art, crafts, painting | Customs affairs | Education, training and pedagogics | Governance and management | International relations and organizations | Marketing, market research | Tourism and travel | Trade (as a whole) | Commerce (as a whole)
Interpretation language pairs:
Russian - Czech | Czech - Russian
Services are available for order, July 16 (10:00 - 18:00): Change date, time? Price*
for 8 hours
Phone interpreter 163.0 EUR order now
Interpretation of excursions, tour guide services 147.0 EUR order now
Professional translation GET QUOTE
*Order price for chosen time, with discounts

How to order interpreter in Hradec Králové:

- click "Order now" opposite to the chosen service
- use a credit card or receive an invoice for payment to place the order. Also you can choose option of cash payment the interpreter.
- receive order confirmation and the Voucher with data for contact with the interpreter


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