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United States, Los Angeles
Chosen period: from 10:00 to 18:00 - August 13
Interpreter in Los Angeles - Yoana

Professional interpreter in Los Angeles

(1) Education (7) Verified profile Verified contacts
Response rate: 100% Average response time: Within a few hours
Send a preliminary request to the interpreter or book now the chosen date and time by means of the "Order now" button opposite to services below.
Contact Interpreter
In 2017 obtained BTG and CCHI medical interpreter Certification,Colorado,USA. In 2016 I graduated as Master in Business Management, 2 years ,UNIPG, IT. In 2013 I graduated as Bachelor in Business Administration, 3 years,UNIPG, IT. In 2008 I graduated as Bachelor in Rural Development, 4 years,in Trakya University of Stara Zagora, BG
I hope to start offering business Interpreter services all over the world! In 15/09/2016 I started to offer my services as freelance for Cyracom International, where I am mainly Specialized Medical Interpreter with English,Bulgarian,Russian,Italian and Macedonian. I am still providing services for this company worldwide. In 14/04/2017 I provided service for Stratus Video as English,Bulgarian,Italian,Russian linguist. After 6 months I decided to concentrate on studying. In 2012 I started to work for Rimini Trade fair as simultaneous business/congress interpreter, using Bulgarian, Italian, Russian and English. I worked for Rimini Fiere until 2016 when I move in USA. During 2010 I offered simultaneous interpreter services during entertainment/circus performances,for “Happy days Animazione” with English and Italian, I provided simultaneous interpreter on a daily basis for the period of 6 months.
Interpretation specialization:
Biology (biotechnics, biochemistry, microbiology) | Finance and credit | Genealogy | Insurance | Law (as a whole) | Linguistics | Medicine (as a whole) | Medicine: cardiology | Medicine: health care | Social sciences, sociology, ethics, etc. | International relations and organizations
Interpretation language pairs:
Macedonian - English | English - Macedonian | Russian - English | English - Russian | English - Bulgarian | Bulgarian - English | Italian - Bulgarian | Bulgarian - Italian | Italian - Russian | Russian - Italian | Italian - English | English - Italian
Services are available for order, August 13 (10:00 - 18:00): Change date, time? Price*
for 8 hours
Phone interpreter 450.0 EUR order now
Phone interpreter 488.0 EUR order now
Phone interpreter 1051.0 EUR order now
Phone interpreter 751.0 EUR order now
Interpreter of press conferences 938.0 EUR order now
Phone interpreter 1351.0 EUR order now
Professional translation GET QUOTE
*Order price for chosen time, with discounts

How to order interpreter in Los Angeles:

- click "Order now" opposite to the chosen service
- use a credit card or receive an invoice for payment to place the order. Also you can choose option of cash payment the interpreter.
- receive order confirmation and the Voucher with data for contact with the interpreter

Why interpreters.travel:

Interpreters' prices without agent’s markups

Online payment or cash to interpreter

Free order cancellation, guarantee of refund

Order now without registration

Possibility to order as a company

Safety of online payments, data security

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