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Information about the order
Professional interpreter
Interpretation services in: Orlando - FL, United States.
The chosen period: November 5 (10:00 - 18:00) Change date, time?
Language pairs: Russian - English | English - Russian
The chosen services: Interview interpreter
Additional services: Обязательные условия: г. Даллас, шт. Техас (и район в пределах 1-го часа езды) считается местной работой (минимум - 4 часа). Все остальные города: оплата фактических расходов на переезд (перелет), гостиницу, суточные, аренда автомобиля (при необходимости), минимум - 8 часов в день / Mandatory conditions: Dallas, TX (and the area within a 1 hour drive) is considered local work (minimum - 4 hours). All other cities: actual cost for travel to the location, the hotel at the location, the per diem, a rental car (if necessary), an 8-hour work day minimum.
Free order cancellation: is possible before 03 November 10:00
Order price and currency:
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Following payment methods will be available to you:
- Bank transfer
- VISA/MasterCard

To cancel cash payment order you will have to personally consult the interpreter about order cancellation conditions.